Experience Life Outside The Box!
- Introduction To The Power of The Present Moment – Live Your Best Life Now! Course. This is an introduction to the 1.5-day course, The Power of The Present Moment – Live Your Best Life Now! People can attend as many of these introductory events as they like, as these events are designed to help you experience the inner peace, joy and happiness that come from making the restless mind quiet to be inspired from within.
- Happiness Is A Quiet Mind Events. These are events designed to support the practice and application of what students have learned in the 1.5-day course, The Power of The Present Moment – Live Your Best Life Now!
Read what people are saying about these programs. Learn more about the course.
These events occur in small groups, in a quiet setting.
Events In Erie, PA, Pittsburgh, PA and Boardman, OH
Currently, depending on the number of people attending, programs are offered at the Community Center in The Whole Foods Coop on West 26th street, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation and other locations in Erie.
**Program note for the handicapped: Some of our event locations in Erie are handicapped accessible. Others are not completely handicapped accessible. If the event location for the date you have reserved for is not completely handicapped accessible, we will arrange for two attendants to help you in and out of the entrance, without your having to get out of your wheelchair. When you make your reservation, please indicate in the comment field the nature of your handicap so that we can make advance arrangements for accessibility, when necessary.
**There is a donation of $10 per person collected at the door. This donation goes to support our not-for-profit public charity by covering the costs for producing and presenting these programs. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible (check with your accountant for how this applies to your tax situation).
You must reserve in advance if it’s your first time. Your reservation will be confirmed by email or phone, along with all program details and the location for these dates. **You only need to make a reservation if it’s your first time attending a program.
Wednesday, December 14th. 6:15-8:15pm. Introduction To the 1.5-day course, The Power of The Present Moment – Live Your Best Life Now! Led by program leader, Amanda Harkness and the Founder of our School, Kedarji. Includes Kirtan and Witness Consciousness Centering for experiencing inner peace, along with an introduction to techniques and approaches taught in the weekend course.
@Whole Foods Community Center. 1341 W 26th St, Erie, PA 16508. **A light snack will be served at 6pm, free.
**There is a donation of $10 per person collected at the door. This donation goes to support our not-for-profit public charity by covering the costs for producing and presenting these programs. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible (check with your accountant for how this applies to your tax situation).
You must reserve in advance if it’s your first time. Your reservation will be confirmed by email or phone, along with all program details and the location for the dates posted. **You only need to make a reservation if it’s your first time attending a program.
There are no Life Enrichments events scheduled in Boardman for December. Please check back for the January schedule.
Co–Led by program leader, Deana Tareshawty and the Founder of our School, Kedarji. Includes Kirtan and Witness Consciousness Centering for experiencing inner peace, along with an introduction to techniques and approaches taught in the weekend course.
Reserve Your Seat
**There is a donation of $10 per person collected at the door. This donation goes to support our not-for-profit public charity by covering the costs for producing and presenting these programs. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible (check with your accountant for how this applies to your tax situation).
You must reserve in advance if it’s your first time. Your reservation will be confirmed by email or phone, along with all program details and the location for the dates posted. **You only need to make a reservation if it’s your first time attending a program.
Life Enrichment events for Pittsburgh have not yet been scheduled. Reserve Your Seat