Live Strong and Be Happy With Kedarji's 4 Pillars of Total Well-Being, by Kedarji.
This is a book about living strong and being happy by attaining lasting well-being in 4, vital areas: Spiritual Power, Improved Mental State, Emotional Resilience and Vibrant Health.
Kedarji gives us a dynamic, living plan for getting well and staying well while getting off the medical treadmill and staying off the medical treadmill. His 4 Pillars of Total Well-Being presented here are back by many cross-refrences to evidence-based research and case studies in the field of holistic well-being and lifestyle medicine.
This book is a must read for anyone wanting to lead a holistic well-being lifestyle of healing and total well-being that includes and vibrant health. The Verses On Witness Consciousness by Kedarji.
Witness Consciousness is the means to understand the nature of your mind and that Witness to your mind that exists beyond your mind and beyond your senses. Witness Consciousness Centering is a proprietary meditation method for making the restless mind quiet in under 3 minutes, while giving the full experience of the power of the present moment, in every moment of your life. The Palace of Peace is their, beyond your mind and beyond your senses. The ocean of Joy and the inner strength necessary to take on life's challenges is there, beyond your mind and beyond your senses.
This phenomenal little book shows you how to access that power! Say Grace! Cookbook. by The Bhakta School.
A fable:
Sheik Nasrudin joined some priests on a pilgrimage. During their journey, they took a break from their travels one evening, to rest. By a vote, Nasrudin was given the task of gathering food and cooking, to make malpuras (sweet dumplings), so that they all could have breakfast in the morning. Nasrudin purchased the food and made the malpuras while the rest slept. As he cooked, he smelled and tasted the sweet dumplings, and then he ate them all and went to bed! When they woke up the next morning to find no breakfast, Nasrudin was angrily questioned. “What can I say? I don’t even know how to tell you this. I feel so remorseful. God himself came during the night. He picked up the malpuras that I cooked and started putting it in my mouth. He said, ‘Eat, Eat!’ I’m very sorry for this, but I had no choice because God himself started feeding me!” So, EAT, EAT! Enjoy! Sample list of recipes The Bhakta School of Transformation, a not-for-profit public charity. |