Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. CLINTEL’s main objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the effects of climate policy.

The Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES) is a multi-disciplinary and independent research group. The aims of CERES are to address important issues in the fields of environmental and earth sciences.  The group strives to foster original and timely scientific understanding, in addition to re-examining old analyses with fresh insights.  We hope to illuminate, enhance, and resolve new and open issues.

You can also view the Joe Rogan interview of Steven E. Koonin, American physicist and climate change expert.


Climate Alarmism vs Realism

Clintel Assessment of IPCC Reports

The Sun’s Impact On Climate Change

Javier Vinós: Searching for Natural Climate Change

I Misunderstood the Greenhouse Effect. Here’s How It Works.

The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

Dr. Willie Soon investigates the causes of global warming